Let There Be Light_dramaturgy of the author's performance of Simone Sandroni_premiere A4 Bratislava
Floating Arboretum_movement installation for Oto Hudec exhibition_Slovak pavillion at Venice Art Biennale
All You Can Eat_dramaturgy of the audiovisual essay of Fero Király and Eva Vozárová_premiere PaKT Bratislava
Interview with Member of the Cult_direction and dramatization of the novel of Maria Modrovich_City Theatre Žilina
Dušan Makovický Hanged Himself in His House _ choreography for theatre play of Zuzana Palenčíková_dir. R. Ballek_City Theatre Žilina
Wedding Hall_movement cooperation for Peter Mazalan 's and Eva Šušková 's performance on text V. Klimáček
Complementarity_choreography_commision of Slovak National Gallery_ based on installation of Stano Filko's 12 Colours of Reality
Pilgrimage of M&H _concept, script, choreography, direction_author's theatre play_premiere at Studio 12 Bratislava, prod. PrichodGodota .
S4 Opening_concept, script, choreography, direction_conceptual piece for 4 dancers, 4 actors, 1 rock band and 1 full catering service_premiere Kunsthalle Bratislava
Schumann Requiem, Op.90_movement cooperation for Peter Mazalan ‘s performance_premiere Pakt Bratislava
Grass is Green (Why to Rinse a Plastic Yoghurt Cup if Some People Fly to Thailand Four Times a Year) _concept, script, direction, performer_performance was part of the international project BeSpectactive_premiere at Divadelna Nitra Festival
Afternoon of Culture and Sport_concept, script, direction_exterior performative situation at tennis courts
Seventh Day_video performance _premiere GUS Spisska Nova Ves
Dekameron_choreography for Peter Mazalan ‘s performance_premiere Studio 12 Bratislava
Genezis 2_direction_theatre play of Ivan Vyrypajev_premiere at Studio 12 Bratislava_prod. PrichodGodota
E-CHO_concept_online dance performance for wide public
Manifesto of Possibilities_concept, script, direction_premiere at A4 theatre Bratislava
Patterns_choregraphy of the multimedia performance_prod. Cluster ens._premiere at Opera Nova Festival, National Theatre Prague
Keep This Letter_concept, direction_site-specific project_commision of Prague Quadriennale 2019, prod.SE.S.TA
Bacchae_choreography for the play of Euripides _dir.Rastislav Ballek_premiere at Slovak National Theatre Bratislava
The End The End_concept, direction, script, performer_physical theatre play_premiere at A4 theatre Bratislava
Extravagancy_video installation after theatre play of Raphael Spregelburd
Subjective Future_concept, direction, script, performer_physical theatre play_premiere at A4 theatre Bratislava
Six Pianos_choreography_concert/performance_prod. Cluster ensemble on Steve Reich music_premiered at Slovak Radio Building Bratislava
Opernball_concept, direction, choreography, performer_dance performance_premiere at A4 theatre Bratislava
Get off_Get On_concept, choreography_site specific project for teenagers_premiere at Platform 1-12 Topolcany
Dance_Music with Changing Parts_concept, choreography_performance on music of Philip Glass interpreted by Cluster ensemble_premiere at A4 theatre Bratislava
Strategien gegen Choreographieren_choreography, performer_site-specific project_concept Peter Šulej_premiere at Goethe Institute Bratislava
Objects of Research_ direction, choregraphy_dance performance_co-author Peter Šulej_premiere at A4 theatre Bratislava
Everything I Love_concept, choreography, performer_solo dance performance_premiere at A4 theatre Bratislava
Girl from the Sea Base_direction_ theatre play of Jana Bodnarova_ premiere at Tabacka Kosice
DiamonDance_author' s conceptual dance pefromance after the graphic partiture of Milan Adamčiak _ premiere at A4 Bratislava and Ponec Theatre Prague
Who Is Annik?_choreography_author' s dance performance for Nanohach comp. / CZ _ premiere at Ponec Thetrae Prague
Angel 2 _concept, choreography, performer_solo dance performance_premiere at A4 theatre Bratislava
StageCross_Networking Local_conceptual networking dance performance
Healing Heating_choregraphy, performer_ with co-authors musiciens Boris Lenko and Peter Machajdík
Deep Disrupt of Epidermis_concept, choreography, script, performer_solo dance performance_commission of the International theatre festival Divadelná Nitra 2006. The text was published in Kod theatre magazine and Slovenian translation in Apokalypsa literature magazine Ljubljana.
Little Stories/Things We Know_choreography_multimedia performance_premiere at Danstheatrium Bratislava
Kirin_choreography, performer_ solo dance performance on Peter Machajdík´s music
Meeting after a long time on 13:55_collective choreography with Daniel Raček and Monika Čertezni_premiere at Danstheatrium Bratislava
Half-Moon Bear_choreography, performer_ solo dance performance
1998 and on
site-specific projetcts, small scale performances, physical theatre pieces, improvised performances, movement co-operation with repertory theatres
Patterns - performance co-created with Cluster ensemble at Opera Nova festival_National theatre Prague - nominated for Tatra Bank Foundation Art Award 2019
The End The End at New Drama festival 2019
as actress nominated for the Slovak National Film Award Sun in the Net 2018 - feature film Nina, director Juraj Lehotský
Subjective Future at New Drama festival 2018
Dance with Changing Parts – performance at Opera Nova festival_National theatre Prague - nominated for Tatra Bank Foundation Art Award 2018
Theatre ALTA Prague VARP scholarsip of International Visegrad Fund for performing artist of MidEurope / CZ, 2016
Tanztendenz Munich artistic residency / DE, 2015
CeRRCa, Centre for Research and Creation artistic residency, Casamarles, Llorenc del Penedes / ES, 2014, 2018
SE.S.TA – Centre for Choreographic Development, artistic residency, Žďár nad Sázavou / CZ, 2014
Theatre Alfred ve Dvore Prague VARP scholarship of International Visegrad Fund for performing artist of MidEurope / CZ, 2008
New Drama festival / SK 2018, 2019
Kiosk theatre festival / SK 2018
International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra / SK 2006, 2016, 2020, 2021
Contemporary Art Festival MoonRide Festival Košice / SK 2011, 2018
Ars Cameralis Katowice / PL 2014
i-camp neues theatre Munich / DE 2014
HybajHo! Dance Festival Prague / CZ 2007, 2011, 2012, 2014
International Dance Festival Tanec Praha, Prague / CZ 1991, 1998, 2008
Jamais Vu!, Paris / FR 2009
ConfiDance Festival Siena / IT 2008
Regensburger Tanztage / DE 2007
International Contemporary Art Festival Mediawave Gyor / HU 2003
Bratislava in Movement 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 / SK
Dance in Arena 2002, 2003 / SK
Platform of Slovak Contemporary Dance 2000 / SK
2nd and 3rd International Festival of Cont. Dance, Kishinev / Moldova 2001, 2003
International Theatre Festival Ogledalizacija, Novi Sad / Serbia 2002
Dance Festival Natrikrat Brno / CZ 2001, 2003, 2013
Cook F**ck Kill_feature film, dir.Mira Fornay, premiered at IFF Black Nights Tallin
Nina – feature film, dir. Juraj Lehotský, premiered at IFF Karlovy Vary
Cluster Enselmble performs TD Monogramista_concert/performance
Cluster Enselmble performs Milan Adamčiak_concert/performance
July_monodrama of Ivan Vyrypajev_dir. Alena Lelková_premiere at Studio 12 / Theatre Institute Bratislava
Coma _contemporary opera of Martin Burlas_dir.Rastislav Ballek_premiere at Slovak National Theatre Bratislava
Petržalka Stories_documentary theatre play_dir. Jan Šimko, Award of the Best Slovak contemporary play at New Drama Festival 2009
News: PovertyTM_dir. Marold Langer Phillipsen/DE_premiere at Studio 12 / Theatre Institute Bratislava
Paranoia_dir. Lubomir Burgr_SkRAT company_premiere at A4 theatre Bratislava_co-author
Sad Life of Ivan T. _dir. Lubomir Burgr_SkRAT company_premiere at A4 theatre Bratislava
Oriental Dance Class_play of Jana Bodnarova_dir. Jan Šimko_premiere at Slovak National Theatre Bratislava
Guinnea Pig_dir. Lubomir Burgr_SkRAT company_premiere at A4 theatre Bratislava_co-author
H2O Danubiana_dir. Frits Vogels GRIF theater_ site – specific_dancer, co-author
In a Minor Key_dance performance_dir. Peter Groll_co-author
Cities_movement theatre play_dir. Claire Heggen_Théatre du Movement cie. /FR
3W W3_by mamapapa and 4+4 days in movement_site specific_Prague / CZ
different plays, projects and choregraphies of Slovak and foreign choreographers and directors_e.g. T. Mantel/CH, B. Young, M Renzi, A.Green/USA, F.Vogels, J.Task/Grifftheater/NL, M.Fulkerson/USA,NL, N Aboudarham/FR)
member of ballet of the The State Opera Banská Bystrica / SK
member of amateur dance company Auriga and Skupina súčasného tanca (SST _ Contemporary Dance Group) of Zuzana Hájková / SK
founder, dramaturgist of international contemporary dance and movement theatre festival Nu Dance Fest Bratislava – since 2006
member of the programm board of the winning European City of Culture 2026 candidate - City of Trenčín
cultural policy activities_initiator of different round tables and discussions, member of KU.BA (Cultural Bratislava), of the Save the Culture Initiative
co-founder of PlaST, Platform for Contemporary Dance in Slovakia - union of professional contemporry dance
member of the editorial board of VLNA_ magazine of contemporary art
writings (e.g. for VLNA, for Dance_magazine of Slovak dance, Profil of Slovak Culture – Modern and Contemporary Dance / University Library Bratislava, etc.)
teaching – contemporary dance analysis, contemporary dance and improvisation (e.g. Theatre Studies at Theatre Faculty, Pedagogical Faculty UK Bratislava, Academy for Fine Arts Bratislava, etc.)
chairperson, co-founder of Contemporary Dance Association /SK
co-founder of A4_space of contemporary art, Bratislava, Slovakia
production of performances and festivals (e.g. Love in Motion, chor. M.Hawkins/GB 2004, Dance in Arena 2001 – 2002)
manager of the international educational projects supported by EU Programme Culture (e.g. KoresponDance -SE.S.TA/CZ, 2009-2011, BeInternational 2021-2023)
participation at the art manager programme Courants d´Est, Paris, FR, 2001
Law Faculty of the Comenius University, Bratislava_graduation 1997
European Dance Development Centre, Düsseldorf / DE_guest student 1999-2000
inter-faculty study at the Academy of Performing Arts Bratislava, Dance Department_1995-1996
composition for choreographers (Matteo Fargion/IT, J.Ch.Parré/FR, Dominique Boivin/FR)
improvisation and contact improvisation (S. Paxton/USA, J. Hamilton/GB, D. Lepkoff/USA, I.Wolfe/CH., E. Gál/HU, D.Zambrano/VE., M.Keogh/USA, E.Lamoureux/FR, ...)
white butoh (Masaki Iwana/JP)
contemporary dance (F. Faust/FR, A. Green/USA, etc.)
release technique (M. Fulkerson/USA, A.Sedlačková/SK, etc.)
modern dance, classic dance, Limón (J. Cooksey/DE, B. Genti/FR, M.Kovarova/SK,, TMantel/CH, etc.)
Laban system of movement therapy (Janet Kaylo /GB)
physical theatre (C.Heggen, Y.Marc/FR, J.Asslain/CA, I.van Heiningen/NL)
barock dance (Beatrice Massin/FR)
team coaching, art management, light design - MAPA/NL